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How Are Trench Boxes Used?

Numerous engineering sites and construction projects need trench-digging. These trenches can be utilized to install telephone lines, pipes, as well as any other tubular structure that requires installation deep beneath the ground, like oil rigs. Due to the high humidity content of the soil, trenching can be a laborious task. It is due to the fact that it’s difficult to clean dirt and debris from surrounding objects but also ensure security as you may cause serious injuries if you accidently expose your skin.

Trenchboxes are necessary to any type of construction or repair to be completed in the ground. They can be used to prevent collapse depending on the material and soil quality. Trench boxes are made from aluminum/steel frame to temporarily hold them in place before excavation starts. The grout is affixed between two layers, should it be necessary, ensuring that it is not cracked when installed at the level of the site.

Pre Installation

Before you begin digging before digging, you must be aware of the risks that could arise. This involves knowing what equipment is required and how many people have access. This also permits you to contemplate alternative methods of accomplishing the task without risking your life. The pre-excavation survey must include an extensive risk assessment to ensure that all possible dangers are readily discovered. This reduces the risk of potential complications later on.

It is also important to be aware of the depth of your trench. You will need support from either sloping, or shoring in the case of a an area of 5 feet in width. But, if the trench is 20 feet deep, it will require more engineering. This is due to the lack of straight sides at the ends. Any structure that rises above ground must consider the potential for foundation movement.

The access to the trench should be gained via ladders or steps. In the event of an emergency there should be a secure access within 25 feet. The trench may also be required to check the levels of oxygen and toxic gases using specially designed boxes known as “trench boxes”. The installation of these devices is easy, but they increase the chance of stacking them over each other because you don’t know how high your piles will reach into their weak bottom.

Care care for the trench

1. In the event of any damage or movement, be sure you look over the trench box each day.

2. On-site the personnel must be wearing their protective equipment and have a steel-toed boot as well as high visibility clothing.

3. It is vital to keep tools and heavy equipment at least 3 feet from the edge of any trench.


In the event of a trench, it is more likely to be difficult than extracting it because the earth surrounding it moves. For the purpose of extraction, you may make use of chain slings. An overhead crane is also an option.

1. Straight Pull: This one is the easiest. Simply attach your sling to two points and pull it out, without fumbling around with excessive force or unnecessary movement.

2. Half Pull: If using the half-pull method, secure it to one side of the trench box and the trench box as high as is possible before moving it to the other side. This will help remove any debris or dirt from inside without causing too much damage to your yard.

3. Single Pull: Attach a single chain sling leg with the lifting point to move the trench box. Then lift each panel separately by pulling one. It can be removed using your trusty pull.

For more information, click trench box


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