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Yemen Emergency Appeal

Yemen is currently in an emergency situation for humanitarian reasons. The most severe cholera epidemic in history has killed thousands and caused many more sick and hunger strikes are continuing throughout the country as the people peacefully protest their oppression by government forces , who are accused of conducting uncontrolled bombing attacks against rebel-held regions with no consideration for civilian lives or infrastructure targets alike.

Yemen has 16 million people constantly hungry. The health system in Yemen is in fact broken due to seven years of conflict. Because there’s no where else to turn but to their own homes, the COVID19 patients are dying as they don’t know which direction to take.

The country’s degrading conditions have created a favorable environment to facilitate HIV transmission. There are around 4 million who are without a permanent place to call home. They can’t just eat anything since food prices are constantly rising while wages remain low- not enough money goes towards providing basic needs like health care or drinking water that is clean! This is the reason it will be almost impossible to manage the spread of this deadly disease without help from abroad. But, we need to act quickly before it’s too much too late.

The Yemenite people have been fighting the spreading of Cholera for a long time until now, however they are still not completely safe but. There’s a possibility of hope thanks to international organizations such as Save The Children USA and World Vision UK supporting them in COVID-19.

How donating to Welfare Trusts is helping the Yemeni population? Yemen

These trusts have the capacity to provide water and food to millions in an era of immense suffering. They also provide a COVID-19 health kit to stop the spread of infection, which has already killed many Yemenis.

In Yemen welfare trusts have worked hard over the past few years to help those who are in need. They offer aid in the most dire situations like when they are unable arrive at their destination due to conflict. This is one reason why international agencies like them are vital.

In a time when many people are struggling to survive and are struggling to make ends meet, we’re grateful that there’s help to those who are in dire need. Its aim is to aid people to get out of poverty by working in partnership with local partner organisations and providing cash, food, and other essential supplies.

The generous donors who donate their time and money to this cause have given women in Yemen an additional source of hope. A welfare trust maternity hospitals are funded through generous donations so that mothers can have their babies safely without the risk of health problems or dehydration during labor; rehabilitation facilities provide post-birth support that includes the provision of medication when needed and psychological assistance prior to mothers returning in the community again.

In response to COVID-19 , many welfare trusts now provide hygiene kits to families who live in camp sites, and safe water so it can be used in public facilities like hospitals or schools.

For more information, click yemen appeal


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